The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology (JOBAZ) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal. JOBAZ is affiliated with the Egyptian Society for Biosciences Advancement and published by Springer Nature. The journal has five sections: Physiology and Ecology, which publishes original articles concerned with the study of the different physiological processes such as circulation, excretion, endocrinology, neurobiology, enzymology, nutrition, metabolism, immunology, as well as mechanisms of toxicity, regulatory mechanisms, and ecological physiology Vertebrate Anatomy and Embryology, which publishes studies that deal with adaptational mechanisms and evolutionary principles of development, molecular taxonomy and teratogenicity, as well as biodiversity and fish biology Cell Biology and Genetics, which covers studies in molecular cell biology, genetics, and epigenetics, as well as cancer biology Invertebrates and Parasitology, which publishes articles in advanced researches in both fields of invertebrates, parasitology, and related subjects Entomology, which covers all fields of entomological research from the basic and experimental to the applied.
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